Graduation will take place immediately after your final test has concluded. A short amount of time to recuperate and change uniforms will be permitted as family is allowed to enter and get seated before the graduation ceremony commences. Your skills will be on full display to your family, friends, and fellow students and instructors in attendance. This is a moment of pride for everyone fortunate enough to witness. Your instructors, sensei, masters, senior masters and grand masters will be watching with respect and honor at your achievement. This is the culmination of all that you have strived for many years to achieve, yet it is only the beginning. After graduation, your training up to this point was just the beginning. You have now earned the right to receive knowledge, techniques, training, and attend special events reserved only for Bushi Ban Black Belts. You have punched your ticket to a whole new world of Martial Arts. Don’t stop training now, START training now!
After graduation, there will be a banquet and dinner held off-site, usually at a Country Club or other formal event center. This will be a formal occasion open to a limited number of guests and attendees. Graduates will be given two tickets, one for themselves and one for a guest of their choosing, as a part of their already-purchased graduation package. Additional tickets can be purchased in the weeks leading up to the event but be aware that it does sell out every year and additional tickets will likely be unavailable for purchase the day of the event so please make your preparations well in advance. It will be during the banquet that individual awards and recognitions will be given to deserving recipients. Awards include the Spirit Award, the Sword of Honor, and others. This event will be a formal, yet festive function of fellowship and food with fellow students and instructors. It is truly a memorable event and a delightful reward for your dedication, hard work and tenacity throughout your years with Bushi Ban.
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